DiscoFilm ReShade Profile for Richard Burns Rally

LUT Profile

Custom LUT profile for a more realisting or filmic look

Anti Aliasing

Use SMAA to have smoother edges


More sharpness, better global illumination and shadows

Before After


In the zip you download you will find a ReShade profile with .ini extension and a folder with textures and shaders (just a few actually used).

First install ReShade inside the RBR folder, than extract the content of the zip file inside the game folder, the preset should be selected by default, so as soon as you start the game it should be applied right away.

You can access the ReShade menu using the home button, with ctrl + shift + p you can switch off and on the ReShade effects.



The color profile need ReShade 4.6 in order to work, It can be downloaded from the official website. The installer will ask you to select the executable of the game, than select the radio button Direct3D 9 and follow the instructions. It will install a dll file and a folder with textures and shaders inside the game folder.


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My pretty face

Emanuele Disco

SW engineer, film maker

Full time front and back end developer, I play mostly with Java, Javascript, HTML, Python and C#, I love programming, playing pc game, doing astronomy, studying and many other stuff and I do video as well…