Goals of 2019

  • Release PP Basic Series Tutorial one or two videos.
  • Practice talking in front of camera.
  • Build a sort of studio with standing desk to share with my wife.
  • Release PP Advance Series Tutorial one or two videos.
  • Release a daily vlog on how was my day, short video 2 minutes maybe.
  • Master audio editing on Premiere Pro.
  • Release a RealRally video every week.
  • Reach 1000 subscribers on YouTube… Yep.
  • Travel with my wife

Life is hard

Is it even possible to try to change what you do without quitting what you are doing?
I feel I want to do something else but I can’t quit what I am doing because I depend on it and soon my family will depend on it, so what I do?

So many people doing the same things and just a few rise from the common, these people work really hard, and probably really busy as well but the payback is worth it, but trying to be among these few is not a joke.