Conform Media For A Better Editing Experience

When editing clips from my camera Canon 200D, or drone DJI Spark or GoPro I often get frustrated during editing, videos stutter a lot during previews and trying to put them together is more a pain than an enjoyment, not to mention the time wasted just trying to play them from start to finish.

From my experience the problems is caused mostly by three factors, slow computer (cpu, gpu), slow read speed of my hard drive and not so good video codec.

Adobe Premiere Pro comes with Adobe Media Encoder, I found that just exporting the video with a better codec resolve most of my issues.

Adobe Media Encoder provides a really good codec, Avid DNxHD, a lossy high-definition video post-production codec, the video file get a little bigger but is definitely worth it, if you don’t have any space issues.

What I found is a good setting is DNxHD SQ 8bit quality, from the test I did there is no loss in quality, choosing more high bit rate didn’t bring any advantages, at least for videos in 1080p.

There is also Project Manager in Premiere Pro for Consolidate and Conform the entire project to make the process a little faster, the codec is the same and you can find it just under the File menu.

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