I took this photo with a 250mm f/3.4 reflector and CCD SBIG ST-10XME using the remote telescope iTelescope.NET.
Is the composition of 4 images at 120 seconds of exposition and 10 images at 60 seconds of exposition all with clear filter, it has been processed with IRIS, Lightroom CC, than I made data reduction with Astrometrica and APT and than analyzed with Aladin and TOPCAT.
The photo at the top has a logarithmic scale to make the galaxy more visible. Below I will put some interesting objects I found, mostly galaxies with relative information to make the observation a little more fun.
Messier 63 or M63, also known as NGC 5055 or the seldom-used Sunflower Galaxy, is a spiral galaxy in the northern constellation of Canes Venatici.
Type: Galaxy Coordinates: 13h15m49.33s, +42d01m45.4s Redshift: 0.00161 Distance from Earth: 30 Million Ly Velocity: 700 Km/s Size: 110000 Ly

WISEA J131803.92+421034.0
Name: WISEA J131803.92+421034.0 Type: Galaxy Coordinates: 13:18:03.90 +42:10:32.9 Redshift: 0.04120 +/- 0.00016 Distance from Earth: 600 Million Ly Velocity: 12000 Km/s Size: 50000 Ly

WISEA J131822.42+421149.8
Name: WISEA J131822.42+421149.8 Type: Galaxy Coordinates: 13:18:22.37 +42:11:50.8 Redshift: 0.14597 +/- 0.00014 Distance from Earth: 2.1 Billion Ly Velocity: 40000 Km/s Size: 130000 Ly

WISEA J131625.89+414825.9
Name: WISEA J131625.89+414825.9 Type: Galaxy Coordinates: 13:16:25.93 +41:48:26.3 Redshift: 0.07413 +/- 0.00010 Distance from Earth: 1.1 Billion Ly Velocity: 22000 Km/s Size: 160000 Ly

WISEA J131605.92+414615.6
Name: WISEA J131605.92+414615.6 Type: Galaxy Coordinates: 13:16:05.98 +41:46:15.1 Redshift: 0.09161 +/- 0.00016 Distance from Earth: 1.3 Billion Ly Velocity: 28000 Km/s Size: 120000 Ly

SDSS J131423.10+414444.0
Name: SDSS J131423.10+414444.0 Coordinates: 13:14:23.05 +41:44:44.2 Type: Galaxy Redshift: 0.09634 +/- 0.00014 Distance from Earth: 1.4 Billion Ly Velocity: 30000 Km/s Size: 110000 Ly

UGC 08313
Name: UGC 08313 Coordinates: 13:13:53.49 +42:12:25.1 Type: Galaxy Redshift: 0.001977 +/- 0.000012 Distance from Earth: 40 Million Ly Velocity: 800 Km/s Size: 17000 Ly

2MASX J13143452+4215270
Name: 2MASX J13143452+4215270 Coordinates: 13:14:34.45 +42:15:26.4 Type: Galaxy Redshift: 0.062634 +/- 0.000163 Distance from Earth: 900 Million Ly Velocity: 18000 Km/s Size: 100000 Ly

WISEA J131447.19+421139.7
Name: WISEA J131447.19+421139.7 Type: Galaxy Coordinates: 13:14:47.23 +42:11:38.4 Redshift: 0.07556 +/- 0.00016 Distance from Earth: 1.1 Billion Ly Velocity: 22000 Km/s Size: 110000 Ly

WISEA J131618.43+421355.0
Name: WISEA J131618.43+421355.0 Coordinates: 13:16:18.41 +42:13:54.9 Type: Galaxy Redshift: 0.06247 +/- 0.00016 Distance from Earth: 900 Million Ly Velocity: 20000 Km/s Size: 80000 Ly

WISEA J131637.51+421510.5
Name: WISEA J131637.51+421510.5 Coordinates: 13:16:37.44 +42:15:10.1 Type: Galaxy Redshift: 0.12290 +/- 0.00012 Distance from Earth: 1.8 Billion Ly Velocity: 37000 Km/s Size: 100000 Ly

WISEA J131617.79+420239.5
Name: WISEA J131617.79+420239.5 Coordinates: 13:16:17.81 +42:02:38.6 Type: G Redshift: 0.06227 +/- 0.00011 Distance from Earth: 900 Million Ly Velocity: 20000 Km/s Size: 70000 Ly

WISEA J131611.89+415523.1
Name: WISEA J131611.89+415523.1 Coordinates: 13:16:11.82 +41:55:22.7 Type: G Redshift: 0.09241 +/- 0.00005 Distance from Earth: 1.4 Billion Ly Velocity: 28000 Km/s Size: 120000 Ly