Another series of images of Susy Ghia framing M106 and many others interesting objects around it, using ASTRA remote telescope #4 on March 11, 2020.

The final image is the processing of four light frames for a total of 15 minutes of exposure, I used IRIS for stacking, normalization and partly clean the gradient, than I created a flat frame from the light frame with and removed the dust and the ramaining gradient. With Astrometrica I did the data calibration than with Aperture Photometry Tool I extracted the list of stars and other sources.

The raw images was quiet dirty with lots of gradient of sky background, due to clouds during that night, I was able to clean the final photo and have something to work with.
I analyzed the image using Topcat and Aladin with the help of CDS Portal website. I did a cross match between the extracted sources and the Gaia DS2 catalog to exclude stellar object from the analysis, and I found many small galaxies that maybe are not the most pretty to look at on this image but I find interesting to know more about these apparent small objects that are actually massive and really far in the universe.
I will list some objects I found with basic information, since it gets more interesting if you know more about these objects, I will put also some images from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to have some sort of visual comparison between them.
UGC 7325
Name: UGC 7325 Type: Galaxy Coordinates: 12:17:28.89432 +46:49:39.7920 Redshift: 0.023450 +/- 0.000047 Velocity: 7000 Km/s Distance from Earth: 100 Mpc / 330 Million Ly Size: 130000 Ly

NGC 4218
Name: NGC 4218 Type: Galaxy Coordinates: 12:15:46.55568 +48:07:53.0292 Redshift: 0.002435 +/- 0.000006 Distance from Earth: 40 Million Ly Velocity: 1000 Km/s Size: 20000 Ly

NGC 4220
Name: NGC 4220 Type: Galaxy Coordinates: 12:16:11.76264 +47:52:56.8776 Redshift: 0.00306 [0.00001] Size: 80000 Ly Distance from Earth: 70 Million Ly Velocity: 1000 Km/s

WISEA J121343.29+475700.0
Name: WISEA J121343.29+475700.0 Type: Galaxy Coordinates: 12:13:43.54200 +47:56:59.4888 Redshift: 0.06473 +/- 0.00019 Distance from Earth: 1 Billion Ly Size: 130000 Ly Velocity: 20000 Km/s

NGC 4226
Name: NGC 4226 Type: Galaxy Coordinates: 12:16:26.26 +47:01:32.5 Distance from Earth: 120 Mpc / 390 Million Ly Size: 110000 Ly Redshift: 0.024220 +/- 0.000033 Velocity: 7000 Km/s

LEDA 2304655
Name: LEDA 2304655 Type: Galaxy Coordinates: 12:13:36.44 +47:48:04.0 Redshift: 0.02459 +/- 0.00008 Distance from Earth: 330 Million Ly Size: 50000 Ly Velocity: 7000 Km/s

UGC 07228
Name: UGC 07228 Type: Galaxy Coordinates: 12h13m36.8s +46d29m38s Redshift: 0.025244 Distance from Earth: 340 Million Ly Velocity: 7500 Km/s Size: 48 Kpc / 160000 Ly

LEDA 2285316
Name: LEDA 2285316 Type: Galaxy Coordinates: 12:21:14.80 +46:40:46.5 Redshift: 0.06325 +/- 0.00001 Distance from Earth: 900 Million Ly Size: 150000 Ly Velocity: 20000 Km/s

2MASX J12214848+4636597
Name: 2MASX J12214848+4636597 Coordinates: 12:21:48.62 +46:37:02.6 Type: Galaxy Redshift: 0.024277 +/- 0.000102 Distance from Earth: 330 Million Ly Size: 90000 Ly Velociy: 7500 Km/s

WISEA J122323.53+463630.7 & WISEA J122323.22+463610.9
Name: WISEA J122323.53+463630.7 (LEDA 2284091) Type: Galaxy (North) Coordinates: 12:23:23.49 +46:36:30.9 Redshift: 0.07846 +/- 0.00002 Distance from Earth: 1.1 Billion Ly Size: 240000 Ly Velocity: 23000 Km/s
Name: WISEA J122323.22+463610.9 Type: Galaxy (South) Coordinates: 12h23m23.225s, +46d36m10.62s Redshift: 0.06630 +/- 0.00019 Distance from Earth: 1 Billion Ly Size: 160000 Ly Velocity: 20000 Km/s

NGC 4248
Name: NGC 4248 Type: Galaxy Redshift: 0.001614 Coordinates: 12:17:48.53 +47:24:40.8 Distance from Earth: 20 Million Ly Velocity: 500 Km/s Size: 20000 Ly

NGC 4231 & NGC 4232
Name: NGC 4231 (North) Type: Galaxy Coordinates: 12:16:49.00 +47:26:21.2 Redshift: 0.024687 +/- 0.000150 Distance from Earth: 330 Million Ly Velocity: 7500 Km/s Size: 140000 Ly
Name: NGC 4232 (South) Type: Galaxy Coordinates: 12h16m49.0s +47d26m20s Redshift: 0.024202 Distance from Earth: 330 Million Ly Size: 150000 Ly Velocity: 7500 Km/s

M106 (NGC 4258)
Name: M106 (NGC 4258) Type: Galaxy Coordinates: 12h18m57.5046s +47d18m14.303s Redshift: 0.001494 +/- 0.000010 Distance from Earth: 20 Million Ly Size: 150000 Ly Velocity: 600 Km/s

NGC 4217
Name: NGC 4217 Type: Galaxy Coordinates: 12h15m50.9s +47d05m30s Redshift: 0.003426 Distance from Earth: 60 Million Ly Size: 90000 Ly Velocity: 1000 Km/s

Link to Google Drive with original files