The galaxy NGC 4565 in Coma Berenices, is the composition of 6 x 120 seconds in R channel + 6 x 120 seconds in B channel, the G channel has been synthesized with IRIS.
The images have been processed with IRIS and Lightroom CC, then I used Astrometrica for data reduction and APT to extract a source list. The result has been analyzed with Topcat, Aladin and CDS Portal website.
NGC 4565 (also known as the Needle Galaxy or Caldwell 38) is an edge-on spiral galaxy about 30 to 50 million light-years away in the constellation Coma Berenices. It lies close to the North Galactic Pole and has a visual magnitude of approximately 10. It is known as the Needle Galaxy for its narrow profile. First recorded in 1785 by William Herschel, it is a prominent example of an edge-on spiral galaxy.
ECO 01872
Name: ECO 01872 Coordinates: 12:36:43.30 +26:06:45.3 Type: Galaxy Redshift: 0.020835 Distance from Earth: 300 Million Ly Velocity: 6000 km/s Size: 18000 Ly SIMBAD & NED
Name: NGC4562 Coordinates: 12:35:36.27 +25:51:14.2 Type: Galaxy Redshift: 0.004513 Distance from Earth: 70 Million Ly Velocity: 1400 km/s Size: 28000 Ly NED & SIMBAD
IC 3546
Name: IC 3546 Coordinates: 12:35:41.67 +26:13:21.5 Type: Galaxy Redshift: 0.021465 Distance from Earth: 300 Million Ly Velocity: 6500 km/s Size: 60000 Ly SIMBAD & NED