The images have been processed with IRIS, alignment and stack of three images of luminance and three images for every channel RGB. No calibrations images have been applied. Total exposure of 180 seconds.
All the rights go to ASTRA Remote Telescopes and Susy Ghia for taking this beautiful image.

The photo at the top has non linear filters applied (Color stretching), you can download the final image of luminance and rgb without any filter with only the background gradient removed.
I used Astrometrica to solve the image and Aperture Photometry Tool to extract a list of source from the image with correct celestial coordinates. Than with Topcat I matched the list with the Gaia catalogue to find some missing source on the image to investigate. I found several galaxies and it was interesting to find their characteristics, sadly no unknown objects.

Below, I list some of the objects I found in the image that was interesting to analyze.
WISEA J133056.18+470507.4
Type: Galaxy
Coordinates: 13:30:56.04 +47:05:07.2
Redshift: 0.07426 [0.00001]
Radial Velocity: 22000 Km/s
Distance from Earth: 1 Billion Light Years
Size: 110000 Ly

WISEA J133003.15+465906.5
Type: Galaxy
Coordinates: 13:30:03.18 +46:59:05.1
Redshift: 0.132485 +/- 0.000115
Radial Velocity: 40000 Km/s
Distance from Earth: 1.8 Billion Ly
Size: 166000 Ly

WISE J132943.69+470140.0
Type: Galaxy Maybe
Coordinates: 13 29 43.488 +47 01 40.83
I couldn’t find lots of information about this source
VizieR reference to Spitzer Catalogue

WISEA J133221.98+470243.0
Type: Galaxy
Coordinates: 13:32:21.99 +47:02:43.4
Redshift: 0.159600 +/- 0.000154
Velocity: 48000 Km/s
Distance from Earth: 2.3 Billion Light Years
Size: 128000 Ly

WISEA J133218.28+470937.6
Type: Galaxy
Coordinates: 13:32:18.10 +47:09:35.7
Distance from Earth: 2.4 Billion Light Years
Redshift: 0.176100
Radial Velocity: 50000 Km/s
Size: 300000 Ly

WISEA J133203.60+472329.1
Type: Galaxy Maybe
Coordinates: 13:32:03.73 +47:23:26.3

WISEA J132914.90+473417.5
Type: Galaxy
Coordinates: 13:29:15.09 +47:34:17.4
Redshift: 0.060748 +/- 0.000205
Distance from Earth: 815 Million Ly
Radial Velocity: 18000 Km/s
Size: 170000 Ly

WISEA J133045.07+473330.9
Type: Galaxy
Coordinates: 13:30:45.02 +47:33:32.5
Radial Velocity: 19000 Km/s
Redshift: 0.06134 +/- 0.00009
Size: 90000 Ly
Distance from Earth: 890 Million Ly

2MASX J13320888+4729067
Type: Galaxy
Coordinates: 13:32:08.92 +47:29:06.9
Redshift: 0.02708 +/- 0.00011
Radial Velocity: 8000 Km/s
Distance from Earth: 400 Million Ly
Size: 59000 Ly

LEDA 2297248
Type: Galaxy
Coordinates:13:27:49.85 +47:23:10.2

IC 4263
Type: Galaxy
Coordinates: 13h28m33.190s, +46d55m37.90s
Redshift: 0.008950 [0.000070]
Radial Velocity: 2670 Km/s
Distance from Earth: 130 Million Ly
Size: 80000 Ly

This research has made use of the VizieR catalogue access tool, CDS, Strasbourg, France (DOI: 10.26093/cds/vizier). The original description of the VizieR service was published in A&AS 143, 23